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Happenings at the hutch

8 June 2021

For Such a Time as This - Week 2

This Sunday marks Week 2 of our Prayer and Self Denial Campaign.  Have you thought about what changes you could make to your life this month to raise money for international mission? Could it be giving up a bought coffee once or twice a week, or taking your lunch to work or school instead of buying it?  What about gathering some friends and having a simple meal of soup and bread and donating what would have been normally spent on a meal?

Around the world, churches are on the frontline responding to the ever-changing needs that societies and communities are facing.  Just as Esther was shown to be bold and faithful to the call of God, as members of the Body, how are we at PBC representing Christ on the frontline?  Do you know where the frontlines of our community are?

Maybe these are questions that you can talk about at your small group or in other settings that you find yourself in this week.  Don’t forget to feedback some of your ideas to me – I’d love to hear them!

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144 Sawyers Arms Road
Christchurch, New Zealand

+64 3 352 4227

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