Children’s Ministry caters for the needs of children aged between 0-13yrs. We run these programmes alongside our 10 am service during term time.
0-5 year olds
This is a great space for our youngest children to relax, play and learn about Jesus alongside our wonderful leaders.
Children have the opportunity to connect with bible stories through Christian-themed stories and activities, while also having access to free play making the most of our indoor and outdoor areas.
5-13 year olds
Led by our wonderful team, this space is a mix of fun games and activities that feed into the teaching and learning of Jesus as we aim to build into the foundations of faith with our young people. Children have the opportunity to see how God is working in their lives, participate in prayer, and continue to see how God has created them to be active participants of the Kingdom of God.
Feel free to contact the office on 03 352 4227 or Abbey on 0226344915
Link in with other parents in our fun play space. Enjoy connection over morning tea and a cuppa.
Every 2nd Thursday 9:30am - 11am.
Term 2 Dates: 4th May, 18th May, 1st June, 15th June & 29th June.
144 Sawyers Arms Road
Christchurch, New Zealand
+64 3 352 4227