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Happenings at the Hutch

renew together 1
5 August 2022

Renew Together – Mutual Humility

If we want a perfect example of humility, we need to look no further than Jesus.  Although he was God he chose to not just clothe himself in humanness but actually become human with all of its limitations and frailties. Chose to limit himself so that by the Spirit, he could bring all of humankind into loving relationship with the Father.

In his everyday encounters with people, be they lepers, women, pharisees or Samaritans he continued to show humility in his actions and conversations. He could have come demanding change and demanding worship; by his command the world sprung into existence after all.  Instead, he came and showed vulnerability; being born of a teenage mother, experiencing life as a refugee, asking for water. With great humility he gave people the honour of being listened to, waiting for requests rather than assuming need. With great humility he gave people the honour of having the opportunity to give and to care for him.

For our first week of the Renew Together month, Jesus is our perfect example of how to be effective witnesses for the kingdom. To greet people in mutual humility, giving people honour by listening to their stories before launching in with fixes before their problems are heard and their circumstances understood. To be humble enough to give people the honour of having the opportunity to care for and give to us instead of putting up our walls of self-reliance.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our relationships reflected this mutual humility embodied by Jesus?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our relationships were used by God to bring others into the wonderful, loving, ever giving – ever receiving relationship with Father, Son and Spirit?


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144 Sawyers Arms Road
Christchurch, New Zealand

+64 3 352 4227

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