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Easter's over...Now what?

12 april
18 April 2023

This year, as a church, we recognised and celebrated Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday together.  Holy Week provides such a range of emotions, from the discontent experienced by the disciples at having their teacher wash their feet, to the great joy of experiencing the call to the Lord’s Supper at a table, during a meal as it first was, to the command given to us to love one another as He has shown us how, then to the betrayal, the agony at the garden, the dark day of the cross ……then to have our spirits soar again in wild celebration at the empty tomb.

But………Easter Sunday is over, now what?

It is easy to forget about the joyful celebration of the resurrected King as the reality of life shoulders its way into our thoughts once again. But, the truth is that the resurrection of Jesus is the one reality that should continue to inform us and transform us every day! Christ is still alive, today and every day!

The Gospels write of the revolution that Jesus started, the Kingdom of Heaven being established on Earth. Now, with the Holy Spirit guiding us we are called to pick up our yoke of discipleship and continue on with this revolution. Watchful for where the risen Jesus is at work today, listening for where He is calling us to go and participate in what He is doing today. We can do this, confident that He who is alive has sent us a helper, the Holy Spirit to equip us as we go forth and continue the work He started.


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144 Sawyers Arms Road
Christchurch, New Zealand

+64 3 352 4227

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