We will all arrive at Christmas day from different directions, with different expectations, and with
different emotions. For me, it will be having finished one of the most significant roles I’ve ever had
in an international NGO and the mixed feelings that go with that. For others, it will be with the last
of their reserves spent. For some, it will be an ongoing process of grief as they will experience
Christmas without someone they love. Some will be excited, some just ‘meh’ and others stressed.
Some will reflect, some will rest, some will withdraw. Some might have all of that going on!
And so it was when Christ was born. I wonder in what state Mary was arriving at that day as she
bounced around on a donkey, or Joseph as he shouldered the responsibility to provide, or those in
the house where Jesus was born.
In whatever state you arrive at Christmas day, remember that in John 10:10 Jesus said that he came
so that “they may have life, and have it to the full.” He then described himself as the good shepherd
who lays his life down for the sheep so that they may have not only abundant life, but eternal life.
Throughout his ministry, he talked about a future celebration event when all of creation was made
new, and we were together in a feast.
So yes, we celebrate the arrival of God in human form as Jesus Christ. But the more important thing
to reflect on how we are journeying with Christ, whatever our circumstances, as he seeks to give us
life more abundantly. And reflect on that day when all will be made new in God’s fully established
and the promised celebration of celebrations.
May you experience Christ this Sunday.
144 Sawyers Arms Road
Christchurch, New Zealand
+64 3 352 4227