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Asking the right questions

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22 June 2023

Last Sunday Adam carried on in our series, preaching from Mark 12. We were challenged to ask, and answer, the right questions. By revealing the true malicious intent of the various Jewish ruling groups through the reframing of their questions, Jesus showed that He was not interested in the power of politics but in revealing the power of God, His love and will for our lives.

This idea of ‘what is the right question’ is important for us every time we open our Bibles whether turning a page or tapping an app. What questions are you wanting Scripture to answer? I fear that often people get tired of reading the Bible because they are trying to use it as a manual on how to behave. Or how to get a ticket to heaven so that Jesus will take them off this rock someday. But that wasn’t the question the biblical authors were addressing. They were concerned with our meaning, our purpose. And once that was established, revealing how that should inform us of how we live that out until the fullness of time and God’s reign is established. 

The Holy Spirit is constantly seeking to reveal God and His will to us, as we seek Him, regardless of the questions we ask of scripture. But when we ask the right questions - wow! We start to see how much God loves us, seeks to have relationship with us and seeks to be known through us as His image bearers. To be the kingdom loving, justice and righteousness bearers of Christ, participating in the establishment of His kingdom until He returns to rule and reign. Now that’s a story I can read again and again.  


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144 Sawyers Arms Road
Christchurch, New Zealand

+64 3 352 4227

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